So anyway, enough blabbing, on to the photos. I had a really hard time narrowing them down, so I'll just tell you now there's a lot. :) Enjoy!
This is one of the teasers I posted...I think it looks a ton better now that it's edited (if I may say so myself :)
I love Ash's face in this one! I must have said something HILARIOUS here... ;)
If you can't tell from this image...Missy is a little ball of energy!
I told Zach to climb a tree for this one (knowing he would be ALL over it), and although it is nothing like the image I was picturing in my head, I think it came out pretty cute!
And this one's just awesome. Put those guns away, Zach. :)
And the other and improved :)
If you know Ash & Zach, you are not all surpised at the fact that an arm wrestling match broke out during this series of shots...
This is another favorite. I think it would be adorable on a Christmas card for one, and I am in love with Missy's tounge-action too!
We were on our way back to the car when Ash spotted this little bundle of trees that was a perfect backdrop. She stopped and smiled, and Zach just lurked in the back for a second...I actually think it came out to be a really neat shot!
And then I made them go all "lovey dovey" :)
Then I told them to look off into the distance as if there was something really intriguing going on... and the goofballs that they are, gave me this (notice how Missy even got in on the action!)
And remember in my portrait post how I said I wanted to get a good series of shots? Well here is what I came up with...
And last but not least...a few of the little booger herself, Missy
Don't you just want to pick her up and squeeze her?!?!?!
Ash & Zach - you know I love you guys, and I was so happy to get to document your love for each other! I can't wait to see which image ends up in my mailbox this year on your Christmas card!! XOXO
oh my gosh you did an AMAZING job! my favorite is the one of them at the picnic table. but the b&w one of them where you're "over" them...spectacular!