Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Shelley~Senior *Just a teaser!*

On Monday I went out to Paola with my cousin Shelley (my friend Ash and her sister Caitlin tagged along with us too) to tromp around on her friend's farm and shoot some senior pictures. We had a blast...Aside from some interesting adventures getting there (more to come on that later). I haven't gotten through all of the pictures yet, but hopefully I'll get that done this week. I thought I'd post a little teaser photo though just for fun...


Oh wait! That's not it?! *hehe* Actually this is one of the cows that Shelley was SO excited to go down and hang out with.

Here's the real teaser photo...


Isn't she just adorable?! I haven't done any editing at all yet, so this guy is straight off the camera. I am going to work with a trial version of Photoshop and see how it goes, so hopefully I'll have some stunning images to post soon!


  1. She looks awesome!! can't wait to see more!

  2. I love 'em so far!! I found out the black one (#47) that is the bull..wasn't he a sweetie? lol..thanks again!!

  3. yay you're on your way! so excited to see more; this first picture is fantastic!


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