Friday, August 17, 2012

{week 11}

 11 weeks

Week 11 (Aug 11 – Aug 17)

This week was uneventful yet busy all at the same time… we had a busy weekend with the Chiefs game and birthday celebrations, and I had several things in the evenings after work.  Went to the eye doctor (and for the first time in I don’t know how many years my prescription hasn’t changed, yay!), got my hair cut and colored (which yeah, I’ve read that you shouldn’t do while pregnant, but from what I read there is no real proof that it causes any damage, and I just got highlights which puts the least amount of chemicals on your skin, so I’m not too worried about it. If anything, the baby will just come out blonde. :) [KIDDING])  The one exciting event this week was finding the baby’s heartbeat on the Doppler I borrowed.  It took me a while, and a lot of hearing my own heartbeat, but we finally found it and it was awesome!  Just beating away in there at 166 bpm.  :)

Size of baby: Lime – seems so big compared to a prune!

Total weight gain/loss: um, I think I may have gained 4lbs in the past week and a half.  Oops.  Although, my scale at home tends to lie so I will wait and leave the official count to the doctor.

Maternity clothes? Not yet, but pants are getting tight.

Stretch marks? Not yet

Sleep: About the same, still tossing and turning a lot, and waking up to pee every. Single. Night.  But I’m not feeling too terribly exhausted during the day so I will keep the complaining to a minimum. 

Symptoms: I think I just might have made it out of the park in this area… I’m very close to being out of the first trimester, when symptoms are supposedly the worst, so I’m hoping that the worst is over!  I’m still pretty tired most days (but not nearly as bad as a few weeks ago), and still having crazy dreams.  Otherwise, though, feeling good!

Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat at home!  I have had to resist the temptation to try to find the heartbeat every day since. :)

Have you told family and friends: We told a couple of our best friends last weekend and it was fun to go through that all over again!  We will be seeing more friends this weekend at a concert so more spilling the news!  We are slowly running out of people to tell…

Miss Anything? Drinking at the Chiefs game!  It was definitely strange not to drink during tailgating, and to get a coke during the game.  It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, but then again this was only the first of several games this year… sigh.

Movement: not yet

Food cravings: Sweets – I could eat cake, cookies, brownies, candy, or anything else sweet all day long.  That and the total loss of self-control has stuck around.  I am almost completely off of the gluten-free/dairy-free diet at this point (oops… but Macaroni & Cheese sounded SO. GOOD.  As did chicken enchiladas.  And a cupcake.  And a candy bar.  Ok I’ll stop.  I think you can see where the alleged 4 pound weight gain probably came from).  I am trying really hard to get things under control, but right now I just want to eat all the time, and nothing but unhealthy food.  Sigh.  A friend did make a good point, that our bodies crave what they need – I guess mine is low on sugar and cheese ;)

Anything making you queasy or sick: not really… only  a couple moments of queasiness this week, but it’s almost completely gone now. (hallelujah!)

Have you started to show yet: still not yet, just a growing “beer belly”.  Matt even noticed it the other night when I changed into my pajamas.  I’m ready for it to look like a baby belly!

Gender prediction: the Chinese gender chart I looked at says boy.  But a friend has decided girl based on the pattern in our group of girls.  As usual, I really have no idea.

Belly Button in or out? in

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: The 311 concert tomorrow!  This will only be the 6th concert of theirs I’ve seen this year. :) What can I say, I’m a fan!  It’s supposed to be a festival type show, so we’ll get to see a lot of bands throughout the afternoon.  It will be another first sober event for me (ok, so I liked to drink before this pregnancy thing happened…sue me!), I don’t think I’ve ever been 100% sober at a 311 concert.  Yikes.  I hope I still like the music.  HA!  Of course I will.  I just might actually be able to remember the set list for once. :)

I’m also looking forward to the second trimester which is just around the corner…holy crap!

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