Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Adventures of Daisy and the Squirrel

In the past month or so, Daisy has made a new friend in our backyard...

Meet Mr. Squirrel...
He's kind of tough to spot, he blends in to the tree...
Daisy and Mr. Squirrel have developed this game...basically Daisy tries to climb up the tree and catch him, while he taunts her...

yeah, my dog has some serious ups........

This was all very funny and cute at first...but now it's downright annoying. Daisy busts out this psychotic, high pitched bark when she chases him, that I'm sure our neighbors just love. Matt has threatened to "take care of" the squirrel on more than one occasion...he seriously just waits outside in that tree for Daisy to come and "play". Once she's out there he makes this growling, almost laughing sound to taunt her.
Animals are amazing...

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