Friday, February 5, 2010

{five on friday} 2.5.10

Aaaaaaand we're back to our regularly scheduled blogging :)

Happy Friday!! I'm very glad that this one is here, and also glad I actually have the time to write this post! Hooray! So without further ado...

{one} Superbowl Sunday is upon us.
First of all, can you believe it's already Superbowl time???? I swear we were just going to our first pre-season football game like last week! Well it's here. The G household will be hosting our own little superbowl shin dig this year (which really just means a few friends coming over to watch the game and throw back a beer or two :). I haven't decided what to make for munchies yet, but I'm definitley thinking Beer Bread (my go-to party recipe), Rotel dip (because you can't watch football without eating Rotel dip - or as my family always called it, "Chili con Queso"), and possibly some Little Smokies. I am thinking about adding one more item, but not sure yet...maybe a new recipe...but who knows!

{two} My Husband, the Interior Designer.
A few weeks ago, I decided it was time to start hanging some things back on the wall in our house. This stemmed from a couple things. 1) we had just come to the decision that we aren't going to try to sell our house any time soon, and 2) we had just finished cleaning out the "man cave" room and the office, so I discovered all of the things that used to be hung but had since been in storage. One such thing was our engagement photos, which not only cost us an arm and a leg to purchase and have framed, but also looked pretty dang fancy hanging on the wall if-I-may-say-so-myself. So we (ok I) decided that they needed to go back up, but I wasn't sure I wanted to put them in the same layout I had them before. So I set them all out on the floor, and spent approximately way too long trying to think of a new layout. I eventually gave up and said "ok fine just hang them how they were". Well! Much to my surprise, I came home from work the next day and that husband of mine had not only hung them up, but in an entirely different layout that I absolutely love! Go Mr G! See for yourself and tell you like before or after better??



{three} You're Killin' Me Smalls.
First of all, 10 points to the first person to name that movie reference. :) Second of all, have you been watching the Jayhawks lately?! If you haven't, I don't know that I'd recommend it. While I love my Jayhawks, and I love watching them play basketball, I do not love being on the edge of my seat during every. single. game. Seriously! Not good for my stress level!

{four} She's Only Getting Cuter.
My niece, that is. :) I have a photo shoot with the little monster coming up, and I'm really excited! I haven't taken too many photos lately, so I'm looking forward to getting back at it. If you don't remember the cuteness that is miss Lexi, check out my first photo shoot. Mama and I have some good ideas for this shoot, so stay tuned! Oh, and just in case you needed a cute fix for the day...

{five} Check Out This Blog.
A friend forwarded me the link to this blog, and I've been hooked ever since. I am SO sad that this chick is not in KS, because she is awesome! If you are an animal lover, and have even the slightest appreciation for photography, stop what you are doing and click HERE.
Are you drooling yet?! (no pun intended...) This girl has got it goin on, and her images are amazing. I don't think there would be anything greater than being a Pet Photographer, and being really good at it. I have definitely found some new inspiration!! Oh, and if anyone wants to go to Atlanta and kidnap Cooper for me, I wouldn't stop ya! :)


  1. okay maybe you should have something healthy at your superbowl party..just a suggestion. and i get the 10 points the movie is the Sandlot..i never really liked that movie.....and are you sure he purposely rearranged the photos or did he just forget where they were originally? lol just kidding he is cool like that :) i'm glad you are back on your blogging schedule..especially since you are at work and this is totally acceptable to do at work ;)

  2. i love the organization of the photos; i'm actually saving this blog as a reference point for when i start hanging stuff (very soon in the future!)

    i can't wait to see your next photo shoot. i have one coming up too with a 9-month old so stay tuned!


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