Friday, February 19, 2010

{five on friday} 2.19.10

This one will be super short and sweet, because I am just a busy bee today. I didn't want to totally abandon the blog though :)

Could someone please explain to me why my job is either insanely busy or insanely boring? This is not good for my sanity, folks. If you hadn't guessed, today falls under the insanely busy category. I'm thinking all of next week will fall under that category as well. Which means the following week I will probably be bored out of my mind. Awesome.

Stay tuned...I am working on something really cool to go along with Lexi's most recent photo shoot, and it involves this image:
I hope to post it soon.

Check out this site- The Pioneer Woman. I recently started following her blogs, and this chick is awesome. You may have already heard of fact most people I know have, but somehow I missed that memo. Anyway, she talks about everything from photography to cooking to her life in the country. I have learned a lot of photography tips and tricks from her site, and her blog keeps me entertained daily. :)

We leave for Vegas in T minus 18 days. In case you had lost count. :)

This makes me smile:
I got it in an email the other day, and decided to save it as the phrase stuck with me. It's so true isn't it...

I know that was a rather lame 5 on Friday, but it's better than nothing right! Here's to hoping for a productive weekend, which will result in another blog post next week. :)


  1. Check out I love her page

  2. OMG... I am sooo glad you found The Pioneer Women and shared her w/ us...... wow, I am hungry. & I can't wait to try some of her recipes.


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