Tuesday, February 12, 2013

{week 34}

officially the first belly picture in our new house - and yeah, I totally photoshopped the picture frame in (and not very well, at that) :)

Week 34 (Jan 19 - Jan 25)

What. A. Week.

First, we moved.  And what a day that was!  We are SO lucky to have amazing family and friends, so between 10+ people and the biggest U-Haul they have, we managed to get a whole house loaded up and moved in just one trip and about 5 hours.  I did a lot of supervising, and directing of traffic. :)  I am still amazed at how much STUFF we have…coming from such a small house I thought we’d have a hard time filling the new one (which is double in size, mind you), however I was mistaken. After everyone left, the U-Haul was returned, and the boxes were all inside, we got to sit down and take it all in on our first night in the new house.  I never thought the day would come!  Then Sunday I woke up, (feeling like I had run a marathon the day before) and headed over to Mom’s house for my baby shower!  I may have been exhausted, but I quickly forgot about how tired I was and had a wonderful afternoon with my lovely family and friends.  My BFF, Sister in law and mom pulled out all the stops and executed a fabulous shower!  Not to mention I got sooooo many nice things for baby girl.  On moving day we had one empty room in our house, but less than 24 hours later it was officially the nursery and full of baby gear. (Now it also includes a glider and a crib…eek!)  I probably should have come home and put my (FAT) feet up that night, but I was too anxious to start unpacking so I spent most of the evening putting my kitchen together.  Luckily Matt and I were both off work Monday, so we got to get some errands out of the way, check out my new grocery store, and unpack more boxes.  That is now the story of my life…it went from packing and more packing to unpacking and more unpacking.  Someday I will get to ditch all of these boxes!

Tuesday came and brought another doctor’s appointment.  All was routine (aside from the lady next to me in the waiting room HAVING CONTRACTIONS!  That was interesting) and I am still breezing through this pregnancy according to Dr. C.  Gold star for me! 
You can imagine what the rest of the week involved…mooore unpacking!  And Wednesday was an exciting day – we closed on our house!  The old house, that is.  We are officially not homeowners anymore!  Yeah, I know most people wouldn’t exactly be excited about that,  but we are.  We’ve been itching to get out of that house for a while now, and it is finally done.  HOORAY.

So yeah, like I said at the beginning…what. a. week.  We have tons going on this weekend and next week as well, so it looks like the trend continues…

Size of baby: butternut squash

Total weight gain/loss:  44 lbs. {in 2 weeks I only gained 1 pound!  It’s a miracle!}

Maternity clothes? Some of my maternity clothes are starting to get too small…um, what?  Not cool.

Stretch marks? Still managed to avoid these…fingers crossed…

Sleep: I had the world’s best night of (pregnant) sleep on Sunday…I think I was just so completely exhausted it was inevitable.  But it was amazing.  I think I slept for 6 straight hours, and I didn’t even get up to go to the bathroom once!  It was joyous.  Now I’m back to the usual 2-3 hour stretches with at least 2 potty breaks, so it was nice while it lasted.

Symptoms: Houston, we have swelling.  My hands, my feet, my ankles…it’s not pretty.  If I ever stopped to put my feet up it might not be as bad, but I just can’t seem to sit down when there is always so much to do.

Best moment this week: Moving into our new house!  My baby shower!  Closing on our old house!  I think I said it already…what. a.week.

Movement: lots of it!  Still lots of butt-sticking-out, with the occasional jab to the ribs mixed in.  not quite as many hiccups lately though.  Dr. C said that baby girl is super low, which to me says she is going to be tall because I feel those legs all the way up in my ribs!

Food cravings: switched from Cherry Coke to Dr. Pepper this week.  I think I just crave pop… I’ve kept it under control and only have one every now and then, but man is it hard to resist a cold Dr. Pepper poured over crushed ice (my refrigerator now has an ice maker, AND it crushes ice.  To me, this is heaven.)

Anything making you queasy or sick: I consider myself SO LUCKY in this department because the answer is still no.

Gender: GIRL!!!!!!

Belly Button in or out? It’s the tiniest little bit out, but I’m still calling it in.

Wedding rings on or off? Long gone.  I almost lost the replacement ring Matt gave me, but luckily it turned up (in the wrapping paper trash pile from my shower...thanks mom for digging it out for me!!).  It’s too big but I’m afraid to get it sized because you just never know how fat these fingers are eventually going to get… 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and stressed.  Still.

Looking forward to:  Matt experiencing his first KU Basketball game tomorrow!  And another shower thrown by some lovely girlfriends on Sunday.

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