Tuesday, February 12, 2013

{week 33}

Week 33 (Jan 12 - Jan 18)

This week has basically just been a whirlwind of packing, packing, and more packing.  I can’t believe it’s finally almost moving day!  We are doing pretty well so far getting everything packed and ready, I just know this weekend is going to be JAM PACKED.  As for week 33… well the weekend was busy as usual, on Saturday I tagged along with Ash to the bridal expo show – can I just say that now I want to get married again! Oh how fun wedding planning was. :)  Then I did some last minute shopping and we attended my work’s holiday party that evening.  Shopping for holiday party attire at 33 weeks prego = not my idea of a good time.  I tried really heard to go with a dress, but in the end the pants won and I just wore a sparkly shirt with them.  That counts as “evening attire” right?!  Sunday we did – you guessed it – more packing.  And I really don’t have anything exciting to report about the rest of the week…like I said, packing galore.  Now I’m just gearing up for our last night EVER in this house {sniff sniff}, a full day of Bradley class and moving, plus my baby shower on Sunday!  Whew, I’m already tired.  Luckily Matt and I are both taking off work Monday, so we can stop to breathe for a minute and enjoy our new house.  While unpacking and running errands.  Sounds so relaxing, doesn't it?!

It is slightly ridiculous how much STUFF we have…I am still trying to figure out how it was all crammed into our tiny little house…

Size of baby: Durian Fruit {um, what the heck is that??}

Total weight gain/loss:  43 lbs.

Maternity clothes? I’m getting to the point where sweat pants and a big t-shirt sound like the ideal wardrobe choice…

Stretch marks? Not yet

Sleep: Nope.

Symptoms: Just starting to actually feel like a 7+ months pregnant woman… guess that is to be expected.  Still have the carpal tunnel, heartburn every now and then, some lovely back pain here and there, and of course the swollen feet.  Yay, pregnancy!

Best moment this week: packing?  I don’t know…nothing really stands out to me from this week, all I can remember are boxes…

Movement: Still a ton of it all day long, and record numbers of hiccups {the day I wrote last week’s update, she ended up getting them 5 times.  In one day.}  She also likes to stick her butt out {or at least I’m assuming it’s her butt, based on the position she was in at our last ultrasound}.  It’s quite crazy when a giant bulge pops out of my belly, but Matt finds it very entertaining, and loves to squeeze and poke at her – usually resulting in a lovely kick on the other side, gee thanks.

Food cravings: still enjoying chocolate like it’s going out of style.

Anything making you queasy or sick: nope!

Gender: GIRL!!!!!!

Belly Button in or out? It’s trying really hard to start poking out, but hasn’t yet.  Don’t do it, belly button, stay in!!

Wedding rings on or off? Off.  

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and stressed.  Still.

Looking forward to:  Moving!  And my Baby Shower!  Holy cow this weekend is going to be crazy… but so exciting at the same time!! :)

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