{one} happy earth day
I know, I know, it was yesterday. But still. Happy Earth Day (yesterday)! I hope everyone took a moment to hug a tree, or something. I can't say I did anything incredibly "earthy" myself, other than wish everyone I encountered a Happy Earth Day, and did some research on the flowers I want to plant this year. That's "earthy", right???
{two} flowers!
The husband and I will be venturing out to Ozanam's plant sale tomorrow morning, to purchase some plants and flowers, all while contributing to a good cause! Ozanam is a local treatment center for children in the KC area (read all about them here). Today and tomorrow they are having their annual Thyme for Kids plant sale (which you can read about here). If you hadn't figured it out, this was the cause for my Earth Day research... we have a terribly shady yard, front and back, so I thought it would be smarter to actually educate myself on which types of flowers would do best in the shade, rather than just buy the ones that look pretty and hope they grow - which I may or may not have done in past years. Hopefully in the next week or so I will have lots of pretty flower photos to share!
Impatients & Begonias...the 2 main flowers I will be purchasing and planting!
{three} almost birthday time...
I realized the other day that hubs' birthday is quickly sneaking up on me! Like, as in, it's a week from Monday. Yikes! But no fear, I had a few gift ideas floating around in my head, and as of yesterday have officially decided what to get him. I won't spill the beans here, though, because you know he reads this blog like all. the. time. And! It just dawned on me (and by just I mean literally as I was typing the last sentence...) that I need to get in touch with Annie O to order him a birthday cake! Boy do I love an excuse to order cake frome Annie O... mmm....
{four} spring "cleaning"
This past weekend we did some Spring "cleaning" around the G household. And by "cleaning", I mean decorating. :) They're pretty much the same thing, right?? I bought some shelves at Bed Bath & Beyond I-don't-want-to-admit-how-long ago, and they are finally up on the wall! Along with some art that has been collecting dust, and my beloved college diploma. I may just have to dedicate a separate post to showing off my new wall trimmings in the near future. I need to make a trip to Hobby Lobby first, though, in order to find some trinkets to fill my new shelves. (Did someone say Hobby Lobby??? SCORE)
{five} i need it
I was recently perusing one of my new favorite blogs, which I know I have mentioned here before, Pioneer Woman, and she had a contest showcasing Macro Photography. Um, can we say love at first sight? I mean I knew what a Macro lens was, and the possibilities, but seeing so many AWESOME macro shots in one place? Well it made me decide that I NEED a macro lens. I don't know that my bank account agrees with that statement, but let's just say it's on the wishlist. :)
3 samples of the awesomeness that can be achieved with a macro lens... the first is the contest winner, and the second and third are runners up. All equally awesome if you ask me! Click here for the original PW Post.
Happy Weekend!
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