Well hello there! It’s me! That chick who used to post on this blog? Remember me? Yeah, I’m still alive. Just haven’t had much time for blogging (or taking pictures, or much of anything for that matter) lately. But I’m back! And I have some great images to share!
This past Sunday, I got up bright and early and met up with the whole family out at Corporate Woods, for the annual Head for the Cure 5k. (yes, you read that right. I got up bright and early on a Sunday. Shocking, I know.) I personally had never heard of this particular charity up until a couple months ago, but let me tell you it’s a great one!
As the slogan says… Defeating Brain Cancer Step by Step.
We we all went and participated in honor of my aunt, Rhonda, who is currently fighting the fight against brain cancer.
That’s her in the middle, with my 2 cousins Caitlin and Shelley. She fights the fight beautifully, doesn’t she?
Here’s the whole Run for Rhonda team
There were some crazy people who actually ran the 5k. psh. who does that?
Did you see that guy checking out the girl in the red sports bra?!? No really, look again-
How awesome is that!? Ahh, the things you capture when taking photos of random people… :)
My family was much more *sane* and decided to walk.
We made it, all the way to the finish line!
(It only took us an hour)
The walk was a great event, I’m really glad the family participated. And it’s for a great cause! Cancer is a nasty beast, and I think it’s great for so many people to come together and support the efforts to defeat it. I am fully confident that Aunt Rhonda, along with so many others will be able to defeat the beast. And hopefully, with the whole family in support, it will make it just a *little bit* easier.
I read on their website that this year’s event was the biggest ever. Way to go Kansas City!
Ok, so this blog made me tear up a little and laugh at the same time. The guy checking out the girl in the red sports bra was a crack up.... & I did not know your aunt Rhonda was fighting brain cancer!! She is definitely doing it w/ grace... she looks great and I think it's awesome that she has such a wonderful family supporting her. You guys are awesome!