Wednesday, February 1, 2012

a daisy

I found this post hiding in my drafts folder recently... back in the spring, after getting all of my flowers planted I decided to take a few shots of my one daisy that was actually growing. (I plant these things every. stinkin. year. but they never do very well...probably because they need a lot more sunshine then our tree-covered backyard can give them.  Oh well, I still like them...while they last.)
Anyway, I thought some sunny springtime photos would be nice as we start off February... just to remind us that we are only a couple months away from the joy that is sunshine and warmth, and fresh blooming flowers. :)


One of these is actually the background on my phone right makes a pretty good wallpaper I must say!  I don't think I'll ever get sick of looking at, or taking pictures of daisies.  They are by far my favorite flower, and I just think you can't go wrong shooting them!  Especially when you get some nice water droplets on the petals.  :)
I'm thinking one of these might make a good canvas to hang in my office which I'm currently redoing...

1 comment:

  1. I love these pictures!!! Your daisies are sooo pretty!! They could totally be in a calender or canvas on the wall :)


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