Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Birthday to you...

So I'm a little late posting this (only a week and a half...that's not bad, right?!) but we recently celebrated Matt's birthday. It was the big 2-7. These aren't very exciting, let alone artistic shots, but what can ya do. :)

This is the most delicious cake. EVER. It came from the lady baking our wedding cake. Hop on over to my wedding blog if you want to read all about her...

In case you hadn't noticed yet...he's an avid golfer. The card below (made by my super talented Aunt Terri!) was my gift to him, and inside it told him about the 2 private lessons scheduled for him with a golf pro. I know I know, awesome gift, you don't have to tell me ;)
Yes, he also got a fishing pole. He's really a little kid at heart, let me tell you...

These next pictures are from the night before his birthday, we went out with some friends to Saints in Lenexa. These are just from the good ol point-and-shoot camera, but I thought I'd stick with the birthday theme and share the whole weekend with you... :)

Happy 27th Birthday Hubby-to-be!! Hope it was a great one!!

1 comment:

  1. Aww... what a good wifey 2B!! That cake looked delicious!! I bet he can't wait for his lessons.


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