Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Thursday, December 19, 2013

{39 + 40 + 41 weeks}

Can I take a minute to complain about how difficult these pictures are getting to take??  Don't get me wrong, I love this project, and already love looking  back to see her change from week to week, however it's a real pain in the arse to get the picture these days.  For one, our weekends seem to fly by and I am constantly forgetting to take the picture on Sundays.  So then Monday rolls around and I realize I have to try and squeeze it in after work - well it gets dark at like 2 in the afternoon these days so I don't have a chance of using natural light when I get home at 5:30, and I HATE using a flash. But I do, and just deal with shadows and harsh light.  But worst of all, this kid does not like being on her back, and REALLY does not like staying still.  So getting her to lay down, look at me, and not roll over and crawl away in 2.5 seconds is pretty much a miracle.  This was so much easier when she was a tiny blob of a newborn and just laid there for me to take endless pictures.  SIGH.

It may be a giant pain in my butt, but it will all be worth it I know.  :)

{to see all of Lilly's weekly pictures, click here}

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

{9 months}

9 months!  Holy cow!  She's officially been on the outside as long as she was in the inside.  CRAZY.  This girl is busy these days, let me tell you.  She is officially on-the-go, all the time.  She is so much fun right now!  And she's starting to look so grown up...FINALLY her bottom 2 teeth have cut through.  I was starting to wonder if she was ever going to get teeth.  They've just barely popped through the gums, so you can't see them much yet, but they're coming in!  We had a few rough days/nights because of it, but she is definitely on the upswing and {almost} back to her happy self!

This month included 2 celebrations ~ Mama's birthday, and Lilly's first Thanksgiving!  My birthday was pretty low-key this year {I'm officially old.}, but it was fun to spend the day with my girl.  Thanksgiving was a hit, probably her favorite holiday to date since it all centered around eating, and that's one of her favorite things to do these days. She eats just about anything and everything, and loves it!  In fact, she gets quite upset if you eat in front of her and don't offer her any. :)

Her little personality is really starting to come out, and she's interacting SO much now, I love it.  She plays peek-a-boo, does "touchdown" anytime the word is spoken, crawls everywhere, may or may not have said her first word {she says "hiiiiiiii" all the time, and at least half of the time says it to someone, but we haven't officially counted it as her first word yet...}, she's just an all around good time. I'm sure I'm just a typical mom here, but I feel like she is SO smart.  She is really starting to understand things, repeat things we do, and it just amazes me.  I love watching her learn. :)

Stats ~ 19lbs 3 oz (65th percentile)
             28 1/4" tall (75th percentile)
             17 1/2" head circumference {75th percentile)

I don't know if she's actually lighter than she was a month ago, or if it's just the difference in my scale at home and the scale at the doctor's office.  I wasn't sure they read it right when they said 19lbs 3oz, Matt and I both were expecting her to weigh more.  The doctor even said she looks chunkier than that (in the nicest way).  She is crazy active all day now, though, so she very well could be getting leaner.  Looks like she may be tall and skinny. :)

Size ~ mostly wearing 9 months, a few 6 month things still fit

Sleeping ~ we seem to have finally turned a corner in the sleep department, once we got past the teething nightmare.  That caused us several nights of a million wake ups, and a lot of snuggles.  I don't mind the snuggles, but I hate seeing my baby in pain. Luckily that only lasted a few nights, and since then we have slowly been getting better nights of sleep.  I hope this trend continues. :)

Eating ~
  she still eats breastmilk 5-6 times a day, eats dinner with us every night, and has a snack usually at Grandma's house.  I stopped keeping track of the new foods she tries, because at this point it's almost something new every day.  She eats what we eat for the most part, and I usually add in a fruit or veggie for her.  She loves veggie sticks for a snack, and I don't think she's tried a food she hasn't liked yet.  Some things she definitely favors over others (cheese, yogurt, bread, bacon, avocado), but she's tried everything we've given her and never turned anything away.  Atta girl!

Likes ~
 waving, saying "hiiiiii" (in the sweetest little high pitched voice), the remote, watching Daisy play ball, hearing various animal sounds (for some reason the monkey and dog really crack her up), reading books (Daddy reads to her every night before bed, and I often catch her when she's playing by herself "reading" - turning the pages and babbling to herself, pointing at the pictures), food, standing, socks (but not on her feet, she just likes to carry them around...), pointing, banging toys together, I could go on...

Dislikes ~
 diaper changes or changing clothes, the carseat, laying down on her back in general, not getting a bite if you are eating in front of her

Current Nicknames ~
 boog, boogie, Moe

Monday, December 16, 2013

Lilly's first Thanksgiving

Gobble Gobble!

Let me just say, that this holiday could not have come at a better time in this kid's life.  She is finally getting the hang of eating solid food, and LOVES TO EAT, so this holiday had her name all over it.  And her shirt - gobble gobble gobble - very fitting, as that's just what she did.

We started our day off at Mama T's for Thanksgiving lunch with the family.  Lilly enjoyed turkey, mashed potatoes & green beans.  She happily ate alongside everyone else, and just all around enjoyed herself.  I'm telling you, put food in front of this girl - she's a happy camper.

We came home from our first Thanksgiving celebration and started preparing for the next.  Not only was it Lilly's first Thanksgiving, it was our first time hosting Thanksgiving dinner.  We had Matt's side of the family over for dinner, and it was so much fun. :)  Before the table was full of food I thought it was only fitting to sit the baby on it for a photo op....

Or 3. :)

Anyway, as I said this was our first time hosting - aka my first time cooking - Thanksgiving dinner. I had lots of help from my wonderful Mother in Law and Sister in Law, so it really wasn't bad at all.  My biggest fear was messing up the turkey, but I think we did ok!  Matt even looked like a pro carving it up...

And, once again, Lilly gobbled her food right up.  I think she tried a bit of everything at this meal, and holy cow did we have tons of food.  She had more turkey, ham, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, mac & cheese, stuffing, bread...and I don't even remember what else.  As you can see, she was one happy turkey. :)

All in all, I think everything turned out great!  It was so fun to have our house full of family, and I certainly wouldn't mind hosting again.  

And I think Lilly will agree with me that Thanksgiving is one of the best holidays out there.  Any holiday that centers around eating is a winner in our book.  :)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

{36 + 37 + 38 weeks}

{to see all of Lilly's weekly photos, click here}